Posted by: rethots | January 12, 2010


Hey ‘ssup? Nothing much. How are you? …your place? Work? …am fine, thank you? Come, go and get a microwave so I can be making food in bulk for you and when you want to eat you can just microwave them. Don’t bother about me and food sister, will sort myself out. Infact, I will buy the microwave for you, that way you won’t dilly-dally on it. What can I say, you are my sister afterall. Short of which, mother said she has not noticed you with any babe of recent. Why is mother worried, when ‘she’ surfaces, mother will surely know. You just never take anything serious. Haha, is it that ‘serious’? Comm’n, sebi she has grandchildren already? Ehen, don’t you let her hear you. Fine, then let no one trouble me. One cannot take the next step before the first.

Hmmm,…… be careful oh, what are you thinking about? ‘tis you oh. Me??? Oh, how gracious. Pray tell, to what do I owe this ‘honour’? You never cease to confound me. How? You see, you never do anything just for the fun of it. Who does? Spill it…. I noticed you have a url on your blogroll which is very uncommon. Oh, so you noticed. Of course, you never put urls on your blogroll. Oh, that is the conspiracy oh. Opened box one day and beheld a comment mail from some tungsten rings guy that he wanted a link to their site on my blog. Hmmm, tell me the 411. What? Okay, said they want to improve their google ranking or something like that…… So, tell me what is the catch? Why did you put it up? Simple, so guys like you will be tempted to walk the aisle when you see their collections which are pretty interesting. Ha, so your mission is to get people to start running down the aisle this year abi? No such thing was said or alluded oh,…. Hmmm, just a thot, could it be a subtle way of telling you your fingers are simply too bare…..?


  1. mothers cant help but worry……………

  2. Glad to hear that men get pressured from mothers too.

  3. hmm

  4. u need a babe asap o

  5. happy new year! Don’t make your mother worry! =)

    Hoping all is well with you and yours.

  6. A subtle way of telling you your fingers are too bare? Maybe..

    Lol. Mother’s just looking out..*wink*

  7. Mothers will always be mothers. LOL. Happy New Year!

  8. Tungsten rings? never really thot about that.

  9. lol! Happy New Year!!

  10. You too… you get that. Lucky you though, I am the first and no granchildren. I just laugh anyways. There is an ultimatum for 2010 for that alone I am defiant to the end.

    Watever happened to the color coding? I got used to it.

  11. Maybe you’ll get a babe this year!

  12. Lol…you too go find a babe jo!

  13. Intriguing…like one of those labyrinth gardens. You can go round it so many times…and still feel you haven’t…not really.

  14. so men experience this from mothers too? interesting!

  15. hmmm, what did father say abotu it all?

  16. lol!! ‘could it be a subtle way of telling you your fingers are simply too bare?’ funny..

    So when will ‘she’ surface eh? Hopefully soon so that your sister won’t have to buy you a microwave…lol!!

    Happy new year…

    Later luv!!

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