Posted by: rethots | November 11, 2008

…’tis about thinking 05

A friend said; “we think it’s our right to sleep and wake up, we just think it’s normal.” No, ’tis not necessarily normal but, for GRACE.


  1. Grace! But for the grace of God!

  2. Whatever. Get a grip!!!!!

  3. @ Truthmasta…get a grip on what exactly? on life? on the fact that living life is a privilege denied many? or on the simple pleasures of life like typing(on your blog…putting up a post) and the ability to think things through which by the way is a gift…you think its not…close your eyes and imagine you were handicapped…can’t speak…can’t hear…can’t see…can’t walk…can’t use your limbs etc…yep…that’s right…the only thinking would have been in your mind.period!!!

  4. oooooh, someone’s cranky. I see the cracks are finally showing. Hohohohohohohoh!

  5. Word!…..Grace and Mercy……..

  6. Awww truthmaster,cranky bawo…that’ll be a bloody waste of energy…you of all people should know that…anyhues how are you today? Enjoy the rest of your day…

  7. Get a life!!!!!

  8. lol I have one…bwuoy…who’s getting cranky now?

  9. true talk..we take so many things for granted

    Nolimit…who you dey fight with..hope everything is ok??

  10. lol Aloted…fight ke? me fight…you know say i can’t fit!!! me I’m just having fun o!!!…

  11. Seriously………….we are unconscious when we sleep. And some have slept and haven’t woken up……..but because of His grace, I’m awake today…

  12. TRUE TALK…btw, what are these HaTerZ up to trying to start a fight up in here?…we go flog una oh…LOL

  13. true……………..

  14. I agree.

  15. Yep, It has never been just a right.

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