Posted by: rethots | October 28, 2008

…’tis about thinking 03

  1. Friends, made a new one…….quite unexpected.
  2. Pet-Project, almost got taken away from me, but, management was fair enough to ask if i minded. Of course i did.
  3. Finally, …race to another milestone in two days.
  4. Patience, opens up a whole new world of realisation.
  5. Commitment, bestows respect and responsibilities.
  6. Free, got a ride to & fro office yesterday & today.
  7. Reunion, with some coursemates over the weekend.
  8. Inspiration, started design work on my new (oops, old) project.
  9. Apology, exterminates any wrong thot breeder.
  10. Life, i have life today.


  1. glad to know ur pet project was not taken away from u o..the devil is a liar! lol

    I am thankful for God’s protection everyday esp when I am driving.

  2. Thank God for Life today….yay!

    Without life we can’t learn lessons that give us more life…

  3. I second that…thank God for life…now that work is over(it’s 5:30p.m!!!)…thank God for ABUNDANT life!…a living dog is better than a dead lion…

  4. Talkabout thinking, did some this morning and it was mostly on wonderful women i could have dated but didnt. they all getting/got married this year. My conclusion, “whoa I escaped that one.” Marriage wonderful thing though, but definietely couldnt have been this year.

  5. Patience, opens up a whole new world of realisation.

    tAB: PREACH!! Couldn’t agree more.

    Commitment, bestows respect and responsibilities.

    tAB: Had never thought about the respect bit, only the responsibilities.

    Life, we thank God for another day. Hope all is well.

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